Friday, March 14, 2008


First day in Austin.

Beginning with the plane ride, I knew this was going to be eventful. I never saw so many guitars in the overhead storage in all my life. Upon arriving I got a spiffy little car and then spent about 40 minutes looking for a parking space. This city is nuts. Music/people everywhere.

I met with Tiffany at the Rockin' Moms booth where I immediately met Tish Meeks of 3 Kisses/Wife Swap fame and Madalyn Sklar--my fearless GoGirls leader. I was there about 10 minutes when I got asked if I was the girl "on The Big Idea." (A couple of people recognized me from the show.)

I made my way to the book store to meet Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth who was signing his book Punk House. It was cool to see about 30 copies of my book behind him! Later I was sitting in the booth and Laurie Lindeen the author of Petal Pushers gave me a copy of her book and signed it and then I gave her a copy of mine and she asked me for my autograph. She was soooo nice.

I am staying with Kathy Valentine who has the most beatiful house. Our (John is here too) guest room is the size of my house. She is so gracious. I absolutey adore her as a musician and a person. (Clem Burke is also staying here. He has a panel discussion on Friday and lots of shows.)

Getting ready for day TWO.