Sunday, June 21, 2009


We spent the weekend in Petoskey at a soccer tournament. The boys had a blast, and with them so busy doing things on their own I had plenty of time to work. That may not seem like fun, but when you LOVE what you do and have cool clients--well I enjoyed every minute designing TWO websites. One is for singer Tracy Kash Thomas and the other is for MetroChickRadio.

We got home Sunday and couldn't wait to get the dogs at the kennel. It was Barney's first time and he seemed to like it. Our lab LOVES going to dog camp. It was fun to pick them up and see their tails wagging like crazy!

We also saw Year One. Loved it. But then I have a crush on both Jack Black and Micahel Cera, so I knew going in, I was gonna like it.