Sunday, October 12, 2008


Did you know October is National Reading Group Month. So, in celebration, I have joined with some other authors and Key Business Partners to help highlight these writers and authors here at “Books to Read” .

This event showcases a variety of wonderful works of writing on different topics including my book Rock Star Mommy and others like:

Mindful Marketing by Jenn Givler
The Soccer Mom Myth by Holly Buchanan and Michele Miller
Back to the Table Cookbook by Betty Lynch
Customized Style Guide for Coaches who Write by Linda Dessau
Web Business Success by Susan Daffron
The Celebrity Experience by Donna Cutting
Girl Talk by Gigi Garner

I would like to invite you to spend a few moments on this page (these books will be exhibited for the month of October) to support these great writers and authors.

This event showcases the books in two ways
1) You can receive a free downloadable book excerpt or one chapter of the books
2) You can click the url link to purchase the book

I hope you enjoy the time you spend reading about these books and perhaps you will find your next treasured book.

So if you wish you can go now to Books to Read.