Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I'm really into memoirs lately and this is a really good one--Writing Home by my fellow Royal Oakey, Cindy LaFerle.

Read the Amazon desription:

Both a memoir and a handbook for living, Writing Home brings together 12 years of previously published essays and lifestyle columns by award-winning journalist Cindy La Ferle. A celebration of the domestic arts, Writing Home is for everyone who has ever attempted to combine work, parenthood, and homemaking. It is about reinventing family traditions, losing a parent, growing up, aging gracefully, discovering sense of place, and keeping the faith. Cindy La Ferle's award-winning personal essays and columns have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Reader's Digest, Country Gardens, Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion, The Detroit Free Press, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Royal Oak Daily Tribune, Unity Magazine, and many others.

It would make an excellent Christmas gift.