Thursday, November 29, 2007


The Mydols drummer, Pat McGough, just went through the manuscript of Rock Star Mommy. Pat is a voracious reader and her opinion meant a lot to me. I have been worrying for months if the other girls in my band would like my book. One of my biggest concerns was that I portrayed their feelings inaccurately. When writing the book I tried to rely strictly on email, and not on memory, so when I quoted them I was using their words and not my own. I also tried to avoid writing anything personal as their lives belong to them! And (this was the hardest thing to do) I tried not to steal any of their good stories! Kara's, our lead singer, kids say the FUNNIEST things but I saved them for her to tell...she could fill a book! (At one point I did use something her daughter said but it got cut.)

Anyhow, I just got my proofs back from Pat and she did a great job catching things--like I had our lead singer's age wrong! She also reminded me of a couple of things that I forgot. I am so grateful to her. Next one to read it is my mom and then I give it to Kara. (Paige read one chapter over the summer, but she is in Seattle now.)