Joe is known worldwide as the 'Rock and Roll Guru', thus Theresa thought I, the "Rock Star Mommy", might enjoy the nuggets of wisdom he gleaned over the years. Joe's an author and full-time rocker/dreamer. She was correct.
#dreamtweet is such a fun read. It's full of 'tweet-sized'' ideas that will encourage and inspire you to follow your dreams. There are 140 of 'em.
Here's a sample:
A dream is your heart’s deepest desire. Dream as if you absolutely know it will come true, and feel the feeling of it coming to fruition.
Or this one:
Living your dream means sharing your love with the world on a massive scale.
The e-book is divided into 7 sections that cover everything from dreaming to believing to imagination to love. In these divisive times, when the news is filled with angry lawmakers and bad news about jobs and the housing market, it's refreshing to read something that is positive and full of so much hope. I read the entire book in one sitting.
Check out Joe's website at: www.rockandrollguru.com or pick up a copy of the book at: www.happyabout.com/thinkaha/dreamtweet01.php